Sydskånska Kennelklubben, Malmø 19-03-2016
Dommer: Lotta Bergström (SE)
Bedste mellemklasse og 2. bedste tæve med svensk CERTIFIKAT og CACIB
Cavalierklubbens udstilling i Års 11-10-2015
Dommer: Ineke Zwaartman-Pinster (NL)
BIR Junior og 2. bedste tæve med cert/2.BOS and CAC
10 month, feminine, excellent bitch of the breed, with right scull and muzzle, earset, eyeplacing, and expression,good pigmentation and bite, excellent in front and rear, topline, tailset, and carrige, excellent in ribs, bone, she is a quick elegant mover, with excellent coat – Juniorcert
Cavalierklubbens udstilling i Lynge 20-09-2015
Dommer Viera Stloukalová, Slovakiet
Exc. i juniorklassen
BH bitch Nice type, nice head and expression, good topline a little bit longer in the body, narrow in the movement behind, nice coat quality and color.
DKK International udstilling i Hillerød 19-09-2015
Dommer Bill Browne-Cole (GB)
2 i juniorklassen med ck:
typy head with pleasing expression, good topline and lenght, good front and rear, excellent coat and collor, just needs to settle a Little on the move but should do well.
DKK international udstilling på Bornholm 16-08-2015
Dommer Anne-Mari Haugsten, Norge
BIM hvalp / BOS Puppy
8 måneder. Feminin hvalp af meget god kvalitet. Vakkert hoved. God hals og overlinje. Velvinklet. En aning lang i kroppen. God krop. Bra pels. Gode bevægelser.
DKK International udstilling på Bornholm 15-08-2015
Dommer Inger Brodal Ronander (NO)
BIR hvalp/BOB Puppy
velgående – udmærket hals og rejsning – korrekt snudelængde – korrekt ansatte ører – udmærket pels for alderen med korrekt behæng – korrekt ansat hale racetypisk temperament
Sommerskue i Fensmark, DKK kreds 10 02-06-2015
Dommer Svein Bjørnes
BIM-hvalp (BOS-Puppy)
8 mdr. feminin tæve, fin størrelse og type, ønsker bedre overlinie, fint hoved og udtryk godt stop, fint næseparti, godt pigment og bid, anelse højt ansat ører, fin hals, godt placeret skulder, fine benstammer for og bag, godt ribbensparti, godt ansat hale, fin bagpart, moderat hasevinkel, fin pelsstruktur, blenheim, fine bevægelser fra alle sider
Cavalierfestival 26-07-2015
Dommer: Gordon Inglis
BIM-hvalp (BOS-Puppy)
Sweet head with attractive expression, good width of scull and correct ear set, soft dark eyes, correct bite and dark pigment, very pleasing overall in head, well developed in body, with a soft coat of good lenght and texture, good front angulation, would prefer a little more turn off stifle, and a slightly shorter body, very steady on the move, satisfying front and rear, in profile good tail carriage, but rounding slightly over the croup
Cavalierfestival 25-07-2015
Dommer: Norma Inglis
BIR-hvalp (BOB-puppy)
Eyecatching blenheim, colore is rich and breight and well broken markings, great size and substance, her coat conditionwas exellent, soft and silky, feminine head and expression, balanced scull and muzzle good,black pigment good teeth, lovely sound frontaction and also accurate behind, not much to alter, perhaps a better croupe and tailwould complete the picture, I liked her a lot
DKK, Vejen 21-06-2015
Dommer: Juha Palosaari, Finland
Særdeles Lovende, 2. pacering i hvalp
nice proportions, good headshape, good neck, but a bit rounded over the loin while moving , enough angles, exl body for age, lovely coat quality, moves well makes a pretty silhouette while standing
DKK, Vejen 20-06-2015
Dommer: Per Knudsen
6 mdr. korrekt bid og øreansætning acceptabel udtryk god pels noget knap vinklet fremme og bag lidt tynd benstamme noget krum overlinie i bevægelse
Cavalierklubben, Årslev 17-05-2015
Dommer: Gunilla Kühni-Stenberg, kennel Stonehill
SL, 3. plads (ud af 14 tævebabyer)
5 months old, blendheim elegant bitch, lovely expression, strong teeth, correct topline, well angulated, good substance, moves well, a bit long in body, nice colour, and coat, well presented, typical cavalier temperament
DKK kreds 1, Bakkeskue 14.05.2015
Dommer: Henny Andersen, Danmark
BIR-Baby, BIM og BIS4-Baby
Dansk Kennel Klub, Roskilde 26.04.2015
Dommer: Sóley R. Ragnarsdóttir, Island
4. bedste babytæve (SL)
4 ½ months, quite feminne yet substantial, flat skull, good elnght of muzzle, correct scissorbite, dark eyes, needs more cushoning to soften eyesm, moderate front angulations, needs more lay back of shoulder, well filled front good sping of ribs, solid topline, little long in loin, moderate rear angulations, well set and carried tail. raising a little in the rear on the day, moves soundly and freely, shows well, well presented
Dansk Kennel Klub, Roskilde 25.04.2015
Dommer: Juha Kares, Finland
Very happy puppy. Very nice head and expression. Good front, very nice body and bone for her age. Nicely angulated behind. Exc coat and colour. Very happy mover. Excellent presentation
Dansk Kennel Klub Kreds 10 – 05.04.2015
Dommer: Heidi Rolfes, Sydafrika
Very balanced bitch, lovely expressions, good fore chest, well angulated overall, Moving parallel in front and slightly close in behind.
Cavalierklubbens udstilling 1 og 2 Hårlev den 21/3-15 BIM-Baby
Cavalierklubbens udstilling 2 Hårlev den 21/3-15
Dommer: Marian Mynott, England
I like to take this one HOME.beautyfull carater. lovely typical expresion. well made over all. and well trained. with out loosing that puppy attitude
Cavalierklubbens udstilling 1 Hårlev den 21/3-15
Dommer: Sue Terry
correct size and shape, well balanced, pretty head with good dark eye, correct muzzle, well placed ears, good front with lewel topline and good ribs, correct turn of stifle,well placed tail, excellent temp. and good movement with nice coat